About Us
Kim Ahern Landscape Architects brings extremely high standards to every project, along with the technical expertise to realize exacting standards. We strive, in every case for a memorable, well-ordered space that responds sensitively to its context and purpose. We research each situation thoroughly, and listen carefully to the owners, developers and users of the space. We take time to explore the possibilities with a client, and nurture an idea. In addition to our emphasis on high-quality imaginative design solutions, we consider a close, satisfying relationship with the client vital to any project –no matter what its size.
This firm offers comprehensive landscape architectural services, with extensive experience in every category including: residential design, parks and playgrounds, streetscapes, therapeutic gardens, commercial, retail and municipal projects. Our broad experience includes rewarding relationships with many types of clients–from state and local governments to architects and engineers, development firms, and homeowners.
Kim Ahern Landscape Architects offers skilled services for every stage of a project. We can help determine the scope, consider an approach, or discuss a possible study. From there, our range of services includes planning and design and our strong technical skills are available to facilitate projects through detailed construction documents and construction administration.